About Us
Western Silk Road
At Western Silk Road, we believe that everybody deserves a
chance to live life well. That is why, in everything we do, we
strive to bring some goodness to the people and communities
we work with.
Our beekeeping venture is a perfect example of this. Though
our Asali Wa Moyo brand, we bring all natural pure honey and
other honey bee derived wellness products to our consumers
while uplifting the farmers we work with and leaving the
environment better than we found it.
We are invested in the entire beekeeping value chain from
practicing beekeeping ourselves, to processing and
packaging of primary bee hive products and finally marketing
of value added products. We also offer technical beekeeping
advisory and consultancy services and supply all beekeeping
Though this elaborate investment, we have built a resilient
network of individual beekeepers, beekeeping groups and
community based organisations with a focus on youth,
women and other vulnerable groups.

Our Mission as company is to cause Socioeconomic
transformation among rural households through beekeeping.
wellness, Economic empowerment, Social transformation,
Environmental conservation and biodiversity.
Kaduku 1 Community Beekeeping Group- Kiryandongo
District, Kaduku 2 Community Bee keeping Group -
Kiryandongo District, Gulu Group, Agri - evolve Kasese
Our Specialties
What we are into
Nourishment and Food security
Honey is packed full of natural goodness for your wholesome nourishment.
Because honey production has low requirements in inputs and honey can keep for many years it contributes to food security.
From our own apiaries and those of beekeepers we directly work with, we bring to you pure natural honey and a variety of spice and herb infused honeys.
Beauty and Wellness
Our line of beeswax, propolis and bee venom based beauty products will make you feel and look good.
Packed with nature’s own antioxidant, antibiotic and antiviral agents, our propolis tinctures and bee venom and herb infused honey will keep you healthy and boost your immunity to fight colds, coughs and a host of other common ailments.
Keep your skin moisturised and glowing with our beeswax based lotions and scrubs and use our beeswax scented candles to set the mood and create a relaxing romantic atmosphere
Economic Empowerment
We skill, equip, enable and support individuals, groups, institutions and companies to start out in bee keeping as a business. Our hives and equipment credit facilities help to include individuals especially youth and women who would have otherwise been left out of agribusiness for lack of capital. Additionally, we guarantee market at fair prices for our beekeepers.
In so doing we are recruiting more farmers into bee keeping and helping the existing ones transcend from rudimentary traditional methods to more modern, highly productive beekeeping methods and equipment.
This enables our farmers to earn a living from beekeeping and gain a measure of economic empowerment.
Social transformation
We uplift communities by getting them to work together, develop group apiaries, do group sourcing of shared equipment and group marketing of harvested products for better pricing.
In so doing we bring about social transformation by increasing household incomes, improving livelihoods and building cohesion within communities.
Environmental Conservation and Biodiversity
All beekeepers are environmentalists by default. They see value in all types of flora, for that is where the bees derive the pollen, nectar and resins to make honey, wax, and propolis. They also recognize the invaluable role of honey bees in pollination and improving crop yields.
Indeed our modal is to plant at least 20 bee friendly plants for every hive we install.
So, by investing in and promoting beekeeping we are also promoting environmental conservation and improving biodiversity. Our bare minimum is to make the environment better than we found it.